Cucuron - EN
Cucuron is a Provencal village of 2000 inhabitants. Boasting 300 days of sunshine a year, this is a magnificent base for exploring the Luberon South Side

In the heart of the Parc Naturel of Luberon, this village offers multifaceted character. Ramparts, towers doors, belfry or dungeon. So many places to discover at the option of a stroll in the old town, which was chosen for the film "The Horseman on the Roof."
History of Cucuron.
An important prehistoric occupation is known Cucuron. The origin of its name is due to the geographical location of the place, built on two nipples (in Celtic): "cuc = nipple."
In Roman times, large agricultural settlements occupied the whole territory of Cucuron. The occupation of the Middle Ages is located outside of the current city (999) Castellas and Watch. The village of Cucuron date of 1004. It was then located on the hill St Michel, the "castrum".
In the thirteenth century the village grew, extends outside the walls and the Notre-Dame de Beaulieu became a parish church. Over the following centuries, the population of Cucuron increases and reaches in 1719, 3000. The plague of 1720 destroyed a third of the population.
The rural exodus and the 1914 war accentuated the depopulation of the village.
Since the 60s, the village attracts new residents and more visitors thanks to its quality of life.
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Contact & informations
Cucuron - EN
Rue Léonce Brieugne
84160 Cucuron
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