Frequently Asked Questions

Access, logistics, type of route... Here are some answers to your questions. Any other questions? Do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone.

mis à jour le 02/09/2021 par Velo Loisir Provence

What is the nearest international airport?

For the
Luberon: Marseille-Provence airports in Marignane and Avignon are closest.

For the Verdon:
The airports from Marseille Provence to Marignane and Nice are the closest.

Which are the nearest TGV stations?

For the Luberon:
These are the TGV stations of Avignon and Aix-en-Provence.

For the Verdon:
These are the TGV stations of Aix-en-Provence and Nice

Are there any SNCF stations in the Luberon?

Yes, the SNCF stations of Cavaillon, La Brillanne and Manosque serve the Luberon territory.

Are there any SNCF stations in the Verdon?

Yes, the SNCF stations of La Brillanne and Manosque serve the eastern territory of the Verdon.
The train from Pignes from Nice to Digne-les-Bains also provides rail access to the western territory of the Verdon.

I am not a savvy cyclist, how long will I make the route Around the Luberon?

The average pace of a ride, without stopping is about 12 km/hour. For example: the Cavaillon /Apt journey (about 50 km) can be made in 4/5 hours. To make the complete tour of the Luberon, it takes about 5 to 7 days.

Do I need you to organize my stay by booking my accommodation?

If you want an organization in the smallest detail, you can contact one of our travel agencies.

If I want to ride the Luberon or Verdon by bike while visiting cultural sites, villages and cellars, how many kilometres can I do a day?

We advise you to do between 30 and 40 km.

What type of bike should I use to travel routes?

Depending on your type of route, you will need to adapt your bike.

On leisure bike routes, the ideal bike is the Bike All Way (VTC) or the Electric Assitance Bike (VAE). Nevertheless, many cyclists also practice them in mountain biking or racing bikes.

On mountain bike routes, the Mountain Bike (MTB) is recommended.

How are the routes of the routes?

Routes use small paved roads with low car traffic.

For information, for the Luberon by bike, on the 387 km of routes only 3 km are on paths.

Can I come with my children?

Yes, from 8/10 years old (according to your practice). A child can ride 30 km of cycling a day by making many stops.

Before this age, we advise you to rent a 3rd wheel, a baby seat or a trailer.

Should accommodation and bicycles be booked in advance?

Yes, it is highly recommended, especially in the spring and summer when our region is very busy.

How do I transfer my luggage and/or bike from one accommodation to another?

You can ask directly from the host where you are staying, or call on taxis from our network.

I want to rent a bike in one city and leave it in another, is it possible? How to do it?

Yes, it is possible. For this, it is important to agree beforehand with the renter.

I need a garage for my car over several days, where can I park it safely?

You can leave it in the parking lot of your first accommodation. This service can be paid, contact your hosts for more information.

Need maps or topoguides for your bike stay?

Discover a wide selection of maps and other cycling and mountain bike books to guide you! See the shop
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